Advanced Sales Training

Overview of the ATM Sales Submarine

Bond & Rapport

This is one of two reasons you won't close a client that you could have closed.

The Definitive Guide To Bond & Rapport

Creating Bond & Rapport on a Telesale

A Cool Bond & Rapport NLP Technique

The Up Front Contract

Finding Pain

This is the second reason you don't close a client that your could have closed.

Part 1 - Why Pain

Part 2 - How To Find Pain

Videos on Pain Finding

The finer points on pain finding​


Pain finding in the home


​The secrets to
closing the sale and protecting a family


​​Finding pain

The Budget and Decision Process

This is really about handling the "think about it" stall up front.

Other Videos on The Budget/Decision Step

The simplest closing technique in the world

​​Secrets to Closing the Sale

The Decision Step (or 2nd up front contract)

​​Creating Urgency in the Home

Fulfillment (Showing Quotes)

Proposal Preparation Basics

Post Sale

Learn Telesales

Order These Books

  • These are foundational books to learn our sales process. We highly recommend that you order these books and learn this valuable skill.